Market Street Talent Blog

Tori’s Take: Language Matters

Written by Market Street Talent | Oct 27, 2017 2:28:13 PM

Each month, we bring you “Tori’s Take” featuring a guest post by Market Street Talent’s Operations Coordinator, Tori Leavitt, as she takes a look at popular workplace concepts and trends.

We all know that the way we present ourselves plays a big role in how we are viewed in our professional lives. Part of our self-presentation is the way we speak and think – ever heard the saying, “Thoughts become things”? Changing your negative thinking into a more positive attitude can have a ripple effect throughout your life, and can help you be a more successful individual.

Perfection is Overrated
Aiming for perfection sounds like a good approach, especially in your profession, but it’s the easiest way to set yourself up for failure. The reality is that no matter how talented you are, perfection is impossible. Instead of thinking to yourself, “This has to be perfect,” approach a task with the intent to do your best and remember that’s all that is expected of you. Don’t forget to ask for assistance if you need it!

Busy Isn’t a Badge
Do you tend to answer, “Good, but busy!” when someone asks how you are? Our culture of always being connected creates the feeling that we always need to be “on” and proving we’re working hard. There’s definitely nothing wrong with expressing stress over your to-do list to the right people, but labeling yourself as “busy” is probably making you even more exhausted. Finding something positive to focus on and speak about will help keep you optimistic throughout your day. Challenge yourself to answer the “How are you?” question differently the next time someone asks – the honesty will be refreshing.

“No” Doesn’t (Always) Mean “Give Up”
Perhaps the most famous business example of persisting after being turned down is Steve Jobs and his determination to make Apple a success. Fired by the Apple board of directors when he was 30, Steve went on to found NeXT (later acquired by Apple) and the rest is history. If you have confidence in your idea, don’t give up after being told it’s not good enough. Continue to refine your plan and reach for your goals despite initial rejection – maintaining your positive attitude throughout your process will help you get where you want to go. Similarly, take the word “never” out of your vocabulary. Approach your career as if anything is possible.

Procrastination is not Your Friend
Okay, we all know this one, but most of us still tell ourselves we’ll take care of a task later and then don’t follow through. To counteract this, try setting a time to do whatever it is you can’t get to right away. Keep a planner, calendar, or even a few post-it notes with dates at the top on your desk and plug tasks into your schedule when they pop up. This works equally well for bigger goals: breaking them into small, manageable pieces will help you track your progress and remember that you’re moving forward.

What do you do to stay positive and project confidence in your professional life? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.