Market Street Talent Blog

Team Culture

Written by Market Street Talent | Apr 19, 2019 10:40:18 AM

Everyone’s talking about cultural fit and the importance of finding a workplace where you’ll fit in. Team culture has never been more important than in the current employee-led market. Today’s candidates are prioritizing finding a workplace where they’ll be able to make a positive impact, be treated well (i.e. paid fairly and treated with respect), and be valued as an important part of a team (Harvard Business Review). Building an environment with a strong teamwork mentality is a worthwhile investment – it will help attract and retain the right people for your team.

What Matters?

Consider the type of environment you hope to create and maintain throughout your organization. Are you a firm believer in flexible scheduling for employees? Do you hope to hire new talent with an eye towards leadership training to help to grow your company? Are you a “work hard, play hard” environment with long hours but cool perks? Identify the things you want to emphasize about your company – communication, teamwork, flexibility and professional development are common focuses – and implement strategies to help prioritize them across the board.

Show, Don’t Tell

One of the best ways for a potential new employee to evaluate whether or not they would be a good fit at a company is to get a feel for their culture. Ideally, your company’s mission, values and overall vibe should come through when a prospective employee is looking at your website and social media presence. Your goal is to show your culture through these avenues so you can drawn in candidates who would be the right fit for your organization, as well as potential clients who might connect with one aspect or another of your business. This is another reason to be aware of feedback left for your company on Google or Glassdoor – keeping an accurate picture of your company for the world to see will help you connect with the right candidates and clients.

Side Effect: Increased Productivity

Companies with strong, developed cultures typically have higher levels of productivity and performance. When management and leadership set the tone for a team-oriented environment, their employees tend to be show greater motivation and loyalty. Feeling that company goals are in line with your own professional goals creates a sense of connection and a drive to perform well. On a more local level, a team with a strong sense of responsibility towards each other will have better communication because their mutual success depends on it. Encouraging a teamwork mentality throughout your organization will have a huge positive impact on the success of your business.

Is your team culture strong? Share your tips for those hoping to improve their own on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!